Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On my mind...

On My Mind - how much we acknowledge truths, but let it stop there. We remember and even esteem truths (and those who do let the truth affect their lives). But why do we so often (indeed, more often than not) back away from living truth out in our lives? Especially since part of the truth is that we are meant to live the truths....

.."we think grand thoughts and live horrible lives"..

we read His Word and think that because we've read it and perhaps acknowledged it in our minds, that we've got it. Then when push comes to shove, we want to put blame on God because things aren't as they should be. But really, it's us. Seeking and loving Him with all our hearts, soul, mind, strength does not stop with simple acknowledgement.

And why is it that so often, when we do let our acknowledgement go farther than our heads, we have a limit to it? Like there's some point where we can stop yielding to Him...there's some line where everything becomes too extreme to change anything for God.

Like His goal isn't to make us holy like the perfection and completion He wants to bring us to according to His Word is actually our happiness and comfort...

Oh Lord, get rid of this limit in me wherever there is one...I passionately hate this limit, line, whatever would be best to describe it. I hate it, loathe it, despise everyone....especially in myself. Please, rip it out of me if You need to. I don't care how much it takes or how much it hurts. Get. Rid. Of. It.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My thoughts on To Save a Life

I recently watched this movie..and actually, I enjoyed it. Having known more than one person who committed suicide, the message it sent resonated with me.

I so appreciated that they didn't just stop with the "it's not your fault" speech most suicide survivors get from some well meaning person. I really appreciated and liked that it addressed that our words and actions can and do have a large impact on others' lives.

I enjoyed how powerful it was as a movie. It was dramatic. It was thought provoking. It was inspiring.

However, as probably many who know me would say, I can be very critical of movies. Especially movies that come with a Christian label. As much I enjoyed this movie and would recommend it, it doesn't escape my critical thoughts either.

This movie shows the main character (Jake) going through radical transformation after the suicide of his friend. At the beginning of the movie he cares mostly about sports, his reputation, and partying. He goes from being a guy who dreams of playing basketball to a guy who is willing to give up that dream for another one. He goes from being a popular guy to not caring if he's liked by everyone. He goes from being a guy who thinks of himself over his friends to one who puts his friends before himself. It's a radical transformation....but my fear is that those who watch it will walk away thinking how great the main character is. My fear is that people walk away from the movie saying, "we should be more like Jake".

This is my main complaint about this movie. It has a Christian label. It involves church and a youth pastor. It has a baptism. It has some prayer. It even shows a transformation of a life...But not once does this movie give credit to the true reason for that transformation. Watching the movie, I got the sense that out of guilt, Jake wanted to change how he interacted with people. He felt the guilt so strongly that it led to him feeling the need to redeem himself. I know because I've even there. I've tried that, and even in a fictional character in a movie, I recognized it.

Not once does Jake get told that he has a Redeemer and he is not Him. Not once does anyone tell him that he is a sinner and can do no good on his own. Not once does someone tell him that Christ died for his sins. Not once is he told that Jesus Christ is the One that forgives us, makes us new, and gives the grace that enables us to change and do His good work.

I've walked through the heartbreak of a loved one killing themselves. And like Jake, it was this experience that eventually led me to transformation. But not because I was disgusted and guilty about the way things were (which I was) and I changed them. But because He drew me to Him, He showed me the truth and power of His Gospel...because He transformed me.

It so saddens me that even a Christian movie eliminates that. It's not just this movie, but so much of the Christian entertainment industry, really. Books, movies, music, talks, etc. It seems that we try so hard to woo people to Christianity through sugar coated, feel good, therapeutic, politically correct entertainment. People don't need that kind of wooing. Truthfully, they don't need our wooing at all. They need the Gospel. They need Him.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Komen and Planned Parenthood

Pardon me, I'm feeling ranty...

So, I saw the article on The Komen Foundation cutting ties with Planned Parenthood, and since then, I've seen everyone's opinions on it as well. I'll admit, I'm not one-hundred percent behind the Komen Foundation. I support what they are trying to do, but I think it's become more of a market than anything, and to be honest, that part makes me ill. But I thanked God when I saw that they cut ties with Planned Parenthood...

And I honestly couldn't help but chuckle when I read comments complaining that the fund for cancer screening was taken away. Perhaps they'd have funds for cancer screening if they redistributed the money they use for abortion costs.

And then I saw on facebook a group called "De-Fund the Komen Foundation" and I was appalled. Their info section includes this : "How is it possible that an organization claiming to support saving women's lives also turns its back on an organization that is PROVEN to save women's lives?"

...Proven to save women's lives maybe....but how many others are they proven to TAKE?

Most of their funding might not be for abortion costs, but 1 out of every 10 clients receive an abortion...

and that's too many

It still amazes me that the same people (from a lot of what I see) who support equal rights for all in every area of life are the same ones to support taking the lives of so many precious little ones.

Edited to add - I would make another post ranting about the Komen Foundation's reverse decision, but I'll just say that it sickens me...