I saw on a blog a long while ago, this woman who every week would set specific goals in different areas of her life. I always thought it was a brilliant idea. I'm very much the kind of person to stick to things more if I've written down specifics about them. So, I thought I'd start my own version of that.
I'm going to call it Sunday Searchings, and I've come up with a few different areas:
Pressing On - which will include my goals about Bible study, memorization, practical changes to help my walk, edification, etc.
Train them up - which will include my goals for the boys I nanny and also research in general for future reference should I ever have the blessing of being a mother myself.
Good, not harm - This will include goals concerning my relationship with Tony, and even more than that goals concerning becoming the woman of God I should be.
Keeper at home - Even though I'm not married, I do still have an apartment and a roommate, and I reckon it's important to hone the house keeping sort of skills/gifts even now. This area will be concerning that.
Love at all times - Which will include goals concerning my friendships and my relationships with my family members.
Pressing On
- Finish (at least) the first chapter of John in my in-depth study of the Gospel
- Memorize John 1:9-13
- Actually wake at 5:00 each day...No snooze button, Mary, come on.
- Finish reading The Forgotten Trinity.
Train Them Up
- Pray for Jack and Flynn each day
- Look up at least one new activity and try with the boys
- Research biblical use of spanking
Good, Not Harm
- Pray for Tony each day
- Reflect on first section of Proverbs 31 study and do the next section.
- Encourage Tony in a new way somehow.
Keeper At Home
- Try out making some sort of squash side dish
- Clean apartment
- Check the vacuum and pray it's not actually broken :P
- Shop - for groceries and needed cleaning supplies, etc
Love At All Time
- Pray for each family member each day
- Call at least one sibling/parent to check in
- Send mom back her card
- Think of one unexpected thing I could do for Amber and do it.
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