Saturday, January 1, 2011

10 in 2010

I've learned much more than 10 this year, but here are 10 of the big ones!

1) When you don't do what God asks, He doesn't want your reasons. They just sound like excuses. That being said, He doesn't want your excuses either.

2) He doesn't want your loopholes. You won’t be disobedient and get away with it on a technicality.

3) When it comes to your sin, He doesn't want your exceptions. There's no sin He can't care for, deal with and forgive. And believe it or not, your sin is not special - you are NOT the exception to the rule.

4) When He tells you to do something, He doesn't want your arguments. He's a perfect God. You will always lose.

5) He doesn't want your fears. Honestly, what is there to be afraid of?

6) Other than to care for them Himself, He doesn't want your worries. He knows everything about your life better than you do and He is STILL telling you to do something. Plus, worry is just a time waster anyway.

7) When He instructs you, He doesn't want your procrastination. There's a reason He tells you when He does.

8) When it comes to His truths, He doesn't want your feelings. (Not to say He doesn't care about feelings in other contexts) When it's your feelings, thoughts, opinions, etc. versus His Word...He'll always win.

9) He doesn't want your halfheartedness. He's not a Santa who you can call on when you want something. He's not a scapegoat to blame the wrongs on. He’s not simply the name of fire insurance for you to call on and then defile in any way. He’s perfection. He’s your God. Follow Him or not.

10) He wants your obedience. Unapologetic, unabashed, unashamed. What Oswald Chambers said is true...""When obedience is in the ascendant, He will tax the remotest star and the last grain of sand to assist you with all His Almighty power."

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