There is a man who is honorable. A man who guards his mind and the mind of others. Who will stop a conversation and redirect it when it gets anywhere near a topic in which sons and daughters of God should not be engaging.
There is man who is humorous. A man who isn't afraid to be a tad goofy and who always can induce chuckles. Whose humor spans from geeky jokes about Star Wars to clever jokes about theology.
There is a man who is chivalrous. A man who still opens doors, pulls out chairs, removes his hat inside, and delights in treating a lady to dinner. A man who does this genuinely and not just because he knows he should.
There is a man who is gentle. A man who can simultaneously cheer up and comfort a lady, with kind words, practical advice, and sincere empathy. A man who can do nothing more than simply hold a lady's hand and somehow offer so much peace.
There is a man who is protector. A man who will draw his verbal sword to defend a lady when someone has hurt her. Who I reckon would draw his actual sword if it came to it, and if he had a sword. ;)
There is a man who is thoughtful. A man who will buy a stuffed lamb for a lady so she can hug it when she's missing him.
There is a man who is humble. A man who will probably feel a bit uncomfortable reading this, and not because it's mushy. A man who knows who he is, but also Whose he is.
There is a man who is godly. A man who will toss aside his own opinions, beliefs, and ways the minute he learns what God says. A man who is more than willing and more than happy to sit and talk about Scripture for hours on end. A man who is as studious as Jonathan Edwards, that he might have a ready defense for his faith. A man of prayer and of truth. A man who will share the gospel through words and his life. A man who will point a lady's focus back to where it should be with a question like, "Are you trying to impress Christ or me?" A man who will leave you thinking more about Christ than himself.
There is a man whom I am blessed to know, whom I thank God for daily, and whom I love very much.
Happy Birthday, wonderful man! Te adoro!